Click Multisite Web Platform Development

The Click team have been working on custom applications for major brands since 2003. We'd like to give you a comprehensive overview of the advantages of having many branded locations around the country, with a solution that will build measurable brand presence across your franchise, reseller or dealer locations Australia-wide.

Introducing the Click Multisite Web Platform, built with the capability and flexibility to cater for your continued growth and success in just about any market or industry segment needing local representation to sell your products and services.

Realise the Potential of a Multi-site Platform

One Platform, Many Powerful Websites: Our fully custom-designed platform lets you manage a whole network of franchise or dealer location-specific websites from one easy-to-use dashboard. This centralised approach streamlines operations, making sure your branding is consistent, content updates are a breeze, and you save big-time on costs.

Branding is Consistent, while the Experience is Local: Keep your strong brand identity across all websites while giving individual locations the freedom to tailor content and communications to their local market. This ensures a unified brand experience but with the flexibility to showcase complimentary products, local deals, events, and know-how.

Management is simplified for Head Office and Locations: Cut down the time and resources needed for website management and admin. Your marketing team can easily push brand updates, news, promotions, and new products to all websites at once. This not only saves valuable time but also takes the hassle of manual updates off individual locations.

Fully scalable for Future Growth: As your brand grows nationally, our platform can, too, with the addition of new websites when required. This scalability can be rapid, meaning your online presence grows with your business, without needing complex changes or expensive redesigns. Saving your network locations time and money while staying on-brand. See how organisations Australia-wide can benefit from a multi-site web platform solution for their franchise members and dealers.


How can Franchises and Dealers Thrive with a Multi-site Solution?

Platform Expertise: Our platform is built on proven tech by our skilled Studio team, giving you a user-friendly interface, strong security features, and the flexibility to integrate with various third-party tools, with virtually no ongoing effort needed by franchisors or dealers to stay current and up to date with your promotions and offers.

Enhanced Location Websites: Each website is designed to look great, be informative, and make things easy for users. They feature your brand elements, location-specific content, local news and promotions, and more, creating a compelling online presence for each location that can easily be personalised to present their individually unique range.

Seamless Integration with Your Systems: Clever design & development means the platform works seamlessly with your corporate website, product databases, and other internal business systems. This makes sure the latest info is automatically updated on all websites, giving customers accurate and up-to-date details, whether you’re running fully blown ERP or the simplest eCommerce site.

Ongoing Support and Training for Your Network: We provide comprehensive support and training to all your locations, making sure they can effectively manage their websites and use the platform's features to drive local sales and customer engagement. We have your back when it comes to rapid response for new sites, solving digital challenges or just giving some advice. Technical support includes Hosting and rapid 24 hour, 7 day Support as part of our Managed Website Services plan, covering the dealer network Australia-wide.


Your Franchise or Dealer Network: A United Force

Stronger Brand Presence: The Click Multisite platform amplifies your brand presence across the board, providing a consistent and professional online experience for customers no matter where they are.

Increased Franchisee Engagement: Empower your franchisees with user-friendly tools and ongoing support, building a sense of partnership and enabling them to effectively promote your brand in their local communities.

Streamlined Marketing Efforts: Execute national or regional campaigns more efficiently and effectively, ensuring consistent messaging and maximising brand impact.

Enhanced Customer Experience: The UX/UI - designed platform enables enables a smooth online experience, allowing customers to easily find information about your products or services, locate their nearest location, and access valuable resources.



Suzuki Marine Australia

The unique Click Multisite web platform is a real game-changer for the Suzuki Marine Dealer Network multi-location businesses. It strengthens their brand identity, empowers each Dealer to succeed and improves the customer experience. By investing in this clever platform, Suzuki Marine has set their brand up for continued growth and success with today's rapidly advancing digital technologies.



There continues to be a real need in the Australian market for distribution, wholesale and retail organisations to offer localised, personal service and sales to their customers. While eCommerce – based business models are now standard fare for any post - COVID organisation, face to face interaction and sales resulting from relationship building can still add spice to both first time and repeat buyers of products and services. Examples of industry sectors that can leverage the advantages of multi-site platform solutions include:

-Real Estate


-Retail brands

-Dealer networks

-Travel & Tourism

-News & Media groups

-Franchise groups

-Higher education

-Training organisations

-Network blogs & podcasts

-Manufacturing brands

-National and global brands

-Government with multiple departments

-Publishing houses, and so many more business models!



Get the full story on Click Multisites, just reach out to our friendly team and we will be happy to arrange a meeting to discuss your marketing challenges. Discover the power of a multi-site strategy for your organisation.

 Get in touch for a demo